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How Geneva Prepares English Majors for Success

Picture of How Geneva Prepares English Majors for Success

很少有学术上的努力能与分析一部复杂的文学作品或写一篇措辞完美的文章相媲美. In addition to delivering a personal feeling of accomplishment, these skills also translate to success in the workforce, as indicated by a recent survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers该研究调查了几个不同大学专业的起薪. According to the study, 雇主们越来越看重文科专业学生的独特特质. English degrees in particular have seen their starting salaries rise in recent years; English majors from the class of 2015 enjoyed a salary rise of 14.3 percent over the class of 2014. This trend has been attributed, in part, 雇主对文科毕业生卓越的沟通能力和批判性思维能力越来越欣赏. These skills are fully developed through Geneva College's English program, 让学生将他们的信仰与他们对英语的热爱结合起来.

Studying English and Preparing For the Workforce

强大的英语能力为学生在各种领域开展职业生涯提供了独特的优势. 英语学生在分析伟大的文学作品和创作自己的伟大作品的同时,培养了必要的批判性思维和沟通技巧. 他们具有理解和解释复杂文本的能力, including everything from novels to white papers.

English at Geneva College

bwin体育bwin体育的英语学生在基于信仰的环境中发现英语的力量. The program's curriculum helps students develop critical listening, reading, and writing skills, 同时也鼓励人们更好地欣赏上帝赋予人类的创造力. Majors including English Language and Writing, 两个项目的学生都选修了核心课程和选修课. English minors include Teaching English as a Second Language, Creative Writing, and Informational Writing

Internships at Geneva College

在当今竞争激烈的经济环境中,文科的实际应用至关重要. bwin体育不仅给学生提供了建立写作和文学分析技能的机会, but also to apply those skills in a practical environment. 项目负责人David Kuhns报告说,英语系目前正在建立一个积极的实习项目, which will build upon Geneva's already strong internship opportunities. By pursuing internships, English students can build their resumes, their professional network, and their personal confidence.

Success Story: Abigail York, Writing Major, May 2016 graduate

Success stories abound among Geneva's English graduates, but one of the most impressive involves Abigail York, who graduated in 2016 with a Writing degree. Abigail interned at Crown and Covenant Publications in Pittsburgh, where she applied skills gained at Geneva by writing short pieces, composing a study guide, and launching a magazine column. 这些和其他的责任在阿比盖尔的学生经历和她进入工作世界之间架起了一座宝贵的桥梁.

 英语专业的学生拥有令人印象深刻的批判性思维能力和很强的英语能力. 这些高度可转移的技能可以应用于广泛的职业领域. 通过促进基于信仰的英语语言欣赏和实用技能的发展, bwin体育bwin体育为英语专业学生准备成功和有回报的职业生涯.

 For more information on how Geneva College 可以帮助你追求你的学术和职业目标,bwin体育在855-979-5563或

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Dec 26, 2016

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